Wade’s Dangerous Debut

Star of community theater, Wade Baxter's been living a lie for years, and to hold on to the man he loves, Wade must shed his demons and step into the light.
Star of community theater, Wade Baxter's been living a lie for years, and to hold on to the man he loves, Wade must shed his demons and step into the light.
Star of community theater, Wade Baxter’s been living a lie for years, and to hold on to the man he loves, Wade must shed his demons and step into the light.
Everything in Wade Baxter’s life is controlled and compartmentalized. To the world he’s a laid-back, handsome, urban cowboy who’s good at his job, is adored by his friends and family, and is the star of his city’s community theater. But inside, a hideous dark lurks in the shadows of his psyche, and he cannot, will not let that ugliness show. When he meets Owen Aldrete, a man who’s scars are visible – a former bomb squad cop who took a blast to the face – Wade is forced to confront his demons or he will lose the man he’s fallen in love with, and he’ll never get a lifetime to show Owen he’s the most beautiful person Wade has ever known.