News and Views – Emily Mims | Official Website Tue, 07 Feb 2023 08:36:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 A New Series-Bear’s Brigade Fri, 27 Jan 2023 20:03:41 +0000 I’m excited to be launching a new series, Bear’s Brigade, with Boroughs Publishing Company. This is the fourth series I’ve written for Boroughs Publishing and will be the most exciting by far. Set at Fort Sam Houston, it’s the story of a very special detachment of black ops soldiers hidden among the instructors at Fort Sam. These men and women take on the most dangerous of missions with only one another to rely on and are led by Colonel Angus ‘Bear’ Bustamante, a tough as nails soldier with a heart of gold. In the first story, Bear meets his match in Dr. Felicia Castillo, a software engineer who designs weapons systems. She needs his help and he needs hers, and they fall for one another despite the odds being against them. Bear and Felicia were absolutely fun to write, and I hope they will be just as much fun to read! And their story is only the beginning. As the series progresses, our heroes and heroines will travel all over Central and South America, fighting for good and falling in love along the way.

I’ll talk about these stories in future blogs. I’ll talk about my moments of inspiration and how I come up with my plots and characters. We’ll look at the research involved in writing a book and some of the pitfalls I’ve encountered. I’ll share some of the fun stuff authors get to do in the name of writing, and how a lot of things I’ve done in real life have managed to make their way into my stories. And (of course) I’ll talk about my upcoming books! You’ll also have an opportunity to meet other Boroughs authors who write some terrific books you might want to check out. The first of these will be M. Tasia, who writes about strong men who aren’t afraid to love.

Please feel free to contact me with comments and questions. I’ll be delighted to hear from you.


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